American Collectibles Museum
The American Collectibles Museum was created in 2011 to preserve collectibles as cultural archives, promote collecting as a wholesome family-oriented activity, assist collector organizations with meeting their objectives for growth, and to provide the public with general information about collectibles.
At our Oak Street office, the museum catalogs and categorizes donated collectibles and organizes them into appropriate collections. We’re open to the public Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to noon and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. We’re also open Saturdays by appointment only.
Some of our collections include Worldwide Postage Stamps, Collectible Riveted Shank Buttons, M&M Dispensers, Beanie Babies, PEZ Dispensers, World Paper Money & Coins, All Inclusive Sports & Non-Sports Cards, and more.
If you’d like to learn more about organizing museum collections, specific collectible hobbies, workshops on collectibles, logistical support for your organization or school, or internship or volunteer opportunities, please contact us today!
Contact Info:
David Race