Better Business Bureau of St. Louis
The Better Business Bureau of St. Louis helps people find businesses, brands, and charities they can trust. We set standards for ethical business behavior and monitor compliance via a rating system.
You’ll find local consumer services in person through the BBB at the QBTC in Quincy. Look for business and organization accreditation, file a complaint, or report a scam online or in person. We help resolve customer complaints and assist in settling disputes.
While the BBB has no policing powers, we do provide information about marketplace fraud through alerts to the public. We work closely with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies to fight fraud, rip-offs, and scams. We create a community of trustworthy businesses and organizations by being a closely connected network. Through the BBB, word spreads very fast across the country when an issue develops, and that allows the consumer to stay informed.
For help making smarter decisions, contact us online or in person.
Contact Info:
301 Oak St., Ste. 2-33
Quincy, IL 62301
Email: [email protected]